My husband John and I call it "Water Torture . " That is the form of torture that took place when the enemy tied you up and stuck you under a slow drip of water with no way to move . At first it doesn't seem as if things are "that bad . " You can just lie there and deal with a little water right? Nope after several hours of this you are ready to SCREAM . The sound of the dripping water, the anticipation of it dripping on you, the puddle that you are now lieing in makes you want to just die, literally . That is how the enemy breaks you .
Well, this is where this little band of missionaries finds themselves right now . In the middle of water torture . I know that we are supposed to be strong . I know that we are supposed to go to the Lord in prayer and just believe . I know know that the stuff that is happening is not as bad as what others endure . SO what happens? You go on by yourself and you don't ask for help . What we have realized is that this is just plain old pride . You start off very noble not wanting to share because well "it's not that bad . " The truth is when all the little things start to stack up, it becomes one big stinky pile . We need to get a clue and ask for prayer more regularly . It needs to stop being when the spiral heads down that we reach out . So please help us . Prayer is powerful . The body drawing together is powerful . We need you . We admit it, lay down our pride we need some help .
If it can break in our household it has . My laptop died a hardened death a couple of weeks ago . This is a huge need to what I do for work . Even more disheartening I have been writing a book for a while now and had not backed it up recently . Therefore, I am starting over in some places . Both our house phone and both cell phones are broken . Both of our cars need fixing and we woke up this morning to a flat tire on one . The dryer is broken . John has been walking around with one of the arms of his glasses glued on for months and they need to be replaced . My glasses need to be replaced . I have been having severe dental problems and am heading to the dentist next week . That has been a whole debacle on its own . I need a root canal and a cap replaced . John fell this weekend and seriously hurt his knee (Thankfully he is on the mend :>) The DVD player broke on Saturday . I have been sick on and off for months . Both of my parents have been very ill .
The ministry is financially unstable do to the times . Many of us are in this same position. I believe that we are under attack. Satan is attempting to render us broken and ineffective. Ministries aroung the country are financially destitute. Marriages, finances, our kids are all under attack. Enough!!
It has honeslty gotten to a point when something goes wrong that our response is, "Of course . . . " The list continues on and on . . .
Now are we the worse off? No . There has just been a lot of struggles as of late and we have felt the enemy sucking our joy . We are clinging to the last piece of wood from the shipwreck . We are thankful for that piece . We are not drowning . The Lord does take care of us- we just need some help . We need the body . We need you . Please remember us in your prayers . It always helps everytime .
1 comment:
We WILL pray for you!! We are with you, you are not alone.
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